
The Science Mine is a hands-on science discovery center serving 孤峰 and Southwest Montana.

The mission of the Science Mine is to provide a family fun environment to make, 学习, 发明, 工艺, 回收, 构建, 认为, 玩耍,从庆祝中获得灵感 arts, 工艺s, engineering, science, and technology in our community. Our goal is to encourage scientific literacy for all people by exploiting our natural inquisitiveness and love of play.

位于历史悠久的西尔斯大厦, 在上城比尤特的中心, 科学矿山提供实践, 互动展览,让游客, 特别是儿童, to not only 学习 about scientific principles but to 认为 critically and ask “what happens if”. What happens if I changed the length of the pendulum cord? What will be the effect if I spin the wheel faster; will the electrical current increase or decrease?


The 世界矿业博物馆 preserves a segment of American history which has heretofore been neglected. 成立于1964年,是一家非营利性教育机构, 博物馆于1965年7月首次对外开放.

忠实再现了19世纪90年代的采矿小镇, with 15 intact historic structures and approximately 35 构建ings constructed from old materials by the many volunteers who put the museum together from the mid-1960s to the 1980s.

66 major exhibits with dozens of smaller items give you a feel for the kinds of equipment that were used in mining from the 1860s to the 1970s.

Learn about the history of the Orphan Girl Mine and the original structures still visible, 包括100英尺高的头框和葫芦屋, 哪些地方有展品和原始设备.

The underground exhibit is a re-creation of a big part of a miner’s life that will leave you smiling and shaking your head in amazement!


Located on the Montana Tech campus the 矿物博物馆 has the finest examples of rock and mineral occurrences from Montana, 世界, 甚至可以看到外太空. The museum originated as a teaching collection of ~200 specimens acquired in 1901, 博物馆里有超过13个,000年的标本, 目前展出的有1000个, 礼品店, 以及一些描述蒙大拿地质的展品, 地震活动, 以及当地的采矿历史.


迈华博物馆 mission is to document the history of Asian people in the Rocky Mountains. The museum is housed in the Wah Chong Tai 构建ing and Mai Wah Noodle Parlor 构建ing at 17 West Mercury Street.

迈华社是为教育而成立的, 慈善, 以及科学目的, including research and public education about the history, 文化, 以及落基山脉西部亚洲人的生活状况. 该协会收集和保存文物, 保存历史建筑及遗址, 举办公众展览, and supports research and publication of materials of scholarly and general interest.

了解更多有关 迈华博物馆.


The Piccadilly Museum celebrates and preserves the golden age of motoring through its collections of memorabilia. The Piccadilly Museum is the public showcase for a large collection of transportation memorabilia gathered over 25 years by several individuals who have traveled to more than 100 countries around 世界.

The museum includes extensive and sometimes exotic exhibits of highway and subway markers, 车牌, 老式汽车, 广告艺术, 还有来自世界各地的各种石油.

了解更多有关 皮卡迪利交通纪念品博物馆.


铜王府, 其中一栋房子是威廉·安德鲁斯·克拉克的吗, 蒙大拿三大著名铜矿之王之一. It is a 34-room residence of Romanesque Revival Victorian architecture that was built from 1884 to 1888. 铜王府 has been privately owned and operated since 1953. The home underwent restoration in 2012 and is now operated as a bed and breakfast. 这里也提供导游服务. 这栋房屋的天花板是壁画, 精致的镶花地板,采用稀有进口木材, 燃气和电动吊灯, 华丽的手工雕刻壁炉和楼梯, 还有彩色玻璃窗.

了解更多有关 铜王府.